ねませんんんんん >_<

あたらしい ポスト! 
せんしゅうのしゅうまつ ぼくは へやで えいがを みました。えいがは みやざきのなうしかあ。 とても いいですね! でも あたらくないです。 えいがに せかいに ゆうどくな もりが あります。おおきい むしは もりに きます。 こわい ね!

ゆうどく=poisonous/toxic (な adjective)

So this is definitely one of my favorite Miyazaki films. Watching Ponyo and then this film? As I mentioned before, it's not that I thought Ponyo wasn't good, it just lacks the greatness that movies like Nausicaa and Mononoke Hime have in abundance.

Maybe it's just because Miyazaki's older movies seem to have some deeper social comment they're trying to push, but I felt that compared to them, Ponyo lacks the same kind of depth. I'd go into more detail but I'd hate to spoil these amazing movies for you if you haven't seen them! I don't want to discourage anybody from watching Ponyo. Please though, just don't pay 10 dollars to watch it at a movie theater.

On another note...

らいしゅうは フォール ブレクです!!!! 

でも。。。でも。。。ぼくは サヲス ベンドに いますよ!!  T_T いいえええええ!
でもだいじょぶ。 ぼくのどもだちも ここに います。 

みなさん、らいしゅう ここに いますか?
いいえ? かえりますか? T_T
ラキー ね




Anonymous said...

Have you read the manga? Somehow I always liked it better. (Also originally he only wanted it to be a manga.)

はじめまして、 ロワン です。 わたしも ハパです。 どぞう よろしく。 ^_^

Anonymous said...

No reading it was great practice. ありがとう ございます。ニユーヨークわ すてき です。I'm quarter chinese, quarter japanese, third scottish, eighth english and a british and american citizen. ..its kind of crazy.

Hana said...

プロフィールのしゃしんは おもしろいからすきです。みやざきのアニメの中で、どれがいちばんすきですか?

サイモン said...


日本のえいがでナウシカがいちばんいいです。I watched the whole thing multiple times in Japanese as a child, even though I didn't understand a word of it. Miyazaki is one of the only animated movie directors that is truly taking advantage of the possibilities animation gives to a movie.



Eagle said...

Hi I just want to say that I completely completely completely agree with you. わたしもNausikaaがすきです。Nausikaa is the first Miyazaki film that I watched and still my favorite one. The depth of the story and the images are just absolutely amazing. On the other hand, I too feel that comparing to Miyazaki's other stories, Ponyo leans toward the childish side. Perhaps that IS the point. perhaps I'm just not thoughtful enough to get the deeper point of the story. But anyway, I totally agree with you.

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